If you know about and have listened to my band piece from a few years ago, Midnight Skyline (or even if you haven’t), stop what you’re doing right now and listen to this stunning arrangement by Miki Kajiuchi for electone! This is an instrument that basically looks like an electronic organ complete with pedals, but allows for one player to cover many different sections of a band or orchestra all at once (yes, even the percussion parts!).
Now imagine FIVE electone players performing together, and you have the basic premise of this arrangement.
These students are 13 and 14 years old! They performed the piece in competition at the Yamaha Electone Festival this year, winning gold in the summer qualifiers and qualifying for the finals. And, they even named their team “Skyline J” - after this piece and after me.
Without a doubt, this truly is one of the coolest versions of my music I’ve ever witnessed. Utterly amazing from start to finish.
Now I want to write a piece for electone…