SUBMIT A PERFORMANCE Name * First Name Last Name Email * Piece(s) * List all works to be performed. If multiple versions of a piece exist (ex: The Floodgates of the Sky is available for orchestra, wind ensemble, and flex ensembles), specify the version to be performed below. Date | Time * Specify the time zone. Performance Venue * venue, city, state ZIP code --OR-- venue, country and any additional applicable info | If the event is virtual only, write "VIRTUAL PERFORMANCE." Performer(s)/Ensemble(s) * Conductor [if applicable] LIVESTREAM LINK/VIRTUAL PERFORMANCE LINK * Write "NONE" if unavailable. Event Name * Description [if applicable] Upload a program. FileField; MaxSize=20MB; Multiple Event Page [if applicable] http:// Ticket Price [if applicable] $ Ticket URL [if applicable] http:// Composer in Residence [check if applicable] Composer to appear as Guest Conductor [check if applicable] Thank you for your submission! We will contact you within 1-3 business days if we require any additional information.